Калекцыя > Альбом > Н.Орда (1807-1883) > Zmicer Shapavalau. Grafika. Ex Libris
Zmicer Shapavalau. Grafika. Ex Libris
Zmicier Szapavalau. Grafika
Willa Decius, Kraków, 2023
132 s.
The catalog covers all areas of creativity of the graphic artist Zmicier Szapavalau.
The edition was prepared for the exhibition in Villa Deciusa (Krakow).
Etching, watercolor, drawing.
In all matters:
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- Preface
- Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Sea voyages
- Ex Libris
- Quo Vadis
- Vera Urbis
- Drawing, watercolor
- List of works
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