Map of the Belarusian People's Republic
To the 100 anniversary of declaration of independence of BPR the fateful document - the map of the Belarusian People's Republic has been republished.
The project has been realized through the crowdfunding platform.
Карта Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі
The map of the Belarusian People's Republic is a symbol of the first steps of modern Belarusian diplomacy, the certificate on maturity and our own rights. The map of the Belarusian People's Republic at present is a symbol of belonging to daring ideas of those who believed in Belarus, and a tribute to the memory about them. It is the tradition of general values and a point for pride. We don't put into question modern political boarders, today the BPR map first of all has symbolical value.
From the history of the emergence of the map:
1918. World War I comes to an end. The peoples have got a chance of self-determination to create their own states. In Paris the peace conference starts. There it is necessary to define how the world after disintegration of empires will be arranged. Representatives of our lands also take part in it, seeking to prove the right of Belarusians.
But Belarus - what is it?
In what boarders is the independence announced on March 25, 1918 declared?
The Belarusian diplomats need the map. And the map is created and published at the beginning of 1919, in Berlin. It is the first map which is made including the Belarusian positions and with a thought about the future. The border covers the territory which includes Belarusian-speaking people and also those who name themselves as Belarusians. Besides that, the map fixes the economic and political interests of the young republic and includes a part of ethnic Lithuania (for the railroad Hrodna-Dzvinsk to remain within the country) and also a part of Poland as to have border with Germany was a strategic aim. see more >>
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Graphic Workshop – Project of facsimile printing rare maps and engravings on technologies that emerged more than five centuries ago. All work is done manually by masters with all the features of the old tradition. Facsimiles, restored in the workshop, almost completely correspond to the originals. e-mail:
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